Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass

Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass
Gastric operations are mostly preferred by people who have tried almost every diet type but still cannot lose any weight. Some people may have hormonal or genetic tendencies to gain weight, and they cannot lose weight easily because of their metabolism or lifestyle. Therefore, they look for solutions in gastric operations. The most common and effective gastric surgeries are Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass. Although both of the surgeries aim to lose weight, there are differences between the two surgeries.
Gastric Sleeve is a surgery where your doctor removes about 80% of your stomach. The doctor leaves only a part that seems like a sleeve. Since you will have a smaller stomach, you will not get hungry as much as you used to, and you will feel full with small portions of food.
On the other hand, Gastric Bypass is a bit more complicated than Gastric Sleeve. In Gastric Bypass, the doctor reduces your stomach into a small pouch and connects the intestines to this pouch. Then, the remaining stomach is connected to the intestine to deliver digestive juice.
Other than the surgeries themselves, there are other differences between Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass:
- The amount of food you can consume after Gastric Sleeve surgery is reduced, but your ability to absorb nutrients remains the same. However, Gastric Bypass hinders your ability to absorb nutrients. After Gastric Bypass, you would need to take supplements all the time.
- Usually, Gastric Bypass requires a higher BMI level.
- After Gastric Sleeve surgery, usually you are required to stay in the hospital for only one or two days. After a Gastric Bypass surgery, you are required to stay in the hospital for at least two days.
- With Gastric Bypass, patients can lose 60-80 percent of excess weight. With Gastric Sleeve, patients can lose around 60-70 percent of excess weight.
Both the Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass surgeries are very effective in weight loss, but you should compare your condition with the surgeries’ requirements and results to decide which one is the best for you. To make the best decision, contact Turkeyana Clinic experts now and get a free consultation.
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